Panda and Cici are the Agility team that inspired Boxcar and me to make Agility a priority in our lives. It was the first day of ‘Intro to Agility’ class with the Santa Barbara Flyers and we had arrived at class about 30 minutes early and Cici and Panda were running a course in the Advanced class. The bond between dog and handler radiates from this beautiful team and watching the two of them run really drew us in. As we arrived on the first day of class, I turned to my girlfriend, Marisa, and said, “Boxcar and I are going to be like them.” Boxcar and I have been active participants in the sport of Dog Agility ever since that day.
This photo captures the essence of Panda and Cici in a way that no words possibly can. Cici tells me that the photo was taken at Contact Point Agility [www.contactpointagility.com] in February 2011 as she and Panda celebrated their first qualifying score in a USDAA Starters Standard class [www.usdaa.com]. Can you see the glow radiating from this magnificent team?
And their glow doesn’t stop there! Panda is also a pet therapy dog certified by Therapy Dogs International [www.tdi-dog.org], and Cici and Panda visit retirement homes and patients at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital weekly. The team has a regular fan club at Wood Glen Hall retirement community [www.woodglenhall.org], and I can only imagine how thrilled the Cottage Hospital patients must be to see Panda and Cici enter their rooms. I imagine that this team’s glow has actually saved lives.
I'm just saying...
This photo captures the essence of Panda and Cici in a way that no words possibly can. Cici tells me that the photo was taken at Contact Point Agility [www.contactpointagility.com] in February 2011 as she and Panda celebrated their first qualifying score in a USDAA Starters Standard class [www.usdaa.com]. Can you see the glow radiating from this magnificent team?
And their glow doesn’t stop there! Panda is also a pet therapy dog certified by Therapy Dogs International [www.tdi-dog.org], and Cici and Panda visit retirement homes and patients at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital weekly. The team has a regular fan club at Wood Glen Hall retirement community [www.woodglenhall.org], and I can only imagine how thrilled the Cottage Hospital patients must be to see Panda and Cici enter their rooms. I imagine that this team’s glow has actually saved lives.
I'm just saying...